Thursday 13 September 2012

Rilla Melati: Functional Fashion

well yes, i am a shameless opportunist... basking in the limelight of a celebrity friend... haha... since this blog is really an experiment for my writing, i'm going to do whatever it takes to gauge responses... anyhow, in my twitter conversation with @RillaMelati, i mentioned that i will blog about her if i hit 50 page views before midnight... well, it did... so here's the post i promised...

for those of you who do not know her... this is she!

i chose this picture of her because it best embodies the rilla i know... ever cheerful, radiant (even when she is sick, she lights up the room with her laughter) and most important, working mother... but enough of who is she... let's return to the roots of this blog... what is she wearing and should she be arrested for her fashion sense...

one thing about rilla's style (as far as i can remember) is its functionality... she keeps it simple in terms of the number of items she puts on. it's usually a simple dress with wedges (i don't see her in heels often), paired with a handbag. when you see her, you know that this lady takes an effort to dress up but at the back of her mind, she asks herself a simple question... CAN I MOVE IN THIS?

i have personally witness rilla, in the same outfit, conduct a meeting... move props... drive actors around... then head back to office and ferociously type at her computer... here's more proof: notice the hair...

it's the same! of course the one below was post-styling but it is possible to carry a hairdo that looks similar before and after styling...

so if you have little time from you wake up till the time you sleep to bother much about your hair and your clothes... here is today's tip... keep your look simple and functional...

ps: if you were directed here after our shameless social media whoring AND would like to ask rilla or me a fashion-related question... leave a comment!

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