Tuesday 16 October 2012

spooky mess

no event or production in this world would be perfect. the question is, even when there are flaws, can we accept them and move on? like i promised in my earlier post, i would take this one to talk about things that got under my skin about sentosa spooktacular. after reading this, some of you might say that i am nit-picking and just overly fussy. perhaps i am but i guess, when attention paid to detail, the mileage earned is geometric. just think of the blankets and hot tea that chanel provided during their haute couture show.

so this post is going to be about the little tweaks that can be made to sentosa spooktacular to make the experience truly memorable...

1) getting out of touch with my roots

during any halloween events, there are bound to be the generous usage of wigs. so i would pay attention to the talent's real hair sticking out. this is something that can be easily resolved with hairpins.

see what was wrong? i didn't noticed the bandana during the event because it was dark but in photos, the bandana stood out like a sore thumb. my guess is that the talent was supposed to keep his hat on with the bandana holding up his hair but he took it off and got caught on camera by a fussy blogger.

2) do you see my true colours?

while the hair faux pas were acceptable, i cannot say the same for make-up. one of the biggest rules in the application of make-up is: when putting on foundation, do not end at the jawline. this is even more important when you are creating the illusion of a character. 

compare the two photos (picture on the right is from another halloween event)... one definitely had more attention paid to makeup. notice that you do not see any skin in the picture on the right. you can afford to use a thinner layer when it comes to the neck and body but it is still essential to avoid two distinct skin tones... lots of blending is needed to prevent patches of bare skin (the other way is to apply beyond the costume line.)

next, you will get your best pictures at the beginning of the night because by the later part of the night, most of the make-up on the faces of the talents have faded due to perspiration. i felt bad for the talents because i know how it feels like to have on theatrical make-up in an outdoor event. well, i do have a couple of tips for those of you putting on scary makeup this halloween but i'll share them later in the week.

so my tip for you: if you want to take pictures with the 'spirits' that have elaborate make-up, do it as early as you can... 

3) spot the brand under my costume

generally, the costumes were fantastic and gave a whole list of photo opportunities. but some attention can be paid to what the talents were wearing underneath. there was too much 'sticking out' of tee-shirts for me. it's like 'hey, i know where that is from because i have the same thing in four colours'. the worst part of this undershirt glitch is when one can actually name the brands (and probably the price!)

after all, halloween is the season of creating the ultimate illusion of spirits back to haunt us. i want to be chased by a ghost who wants my soul, not one who is fighting me for the last discounted piece. ghosts were people too but after these people pass on, i would appreciate if we shopped at different stores.

4) land of lost soles

i saved the best for last. after three pointers, i think i'll allow the pictures to do the talking in this one...

not that scary anymore eh?

yes, i'm picky, fussy and every mean word that you can find in the dictionary but here on the online edition, details are important. after all, there is a reason why haute couture is in a class of its own.

fash'on... BAM!

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