Sunday 29 September 2013

thoughts about true fashion

for those who know me beyond The Online Editor and as a real human being, you would know that i have been on a break for the last couple of weeks. no work, just time to read, hit the gym and really sit down and think through my life. for those who just know my virtual persona, i have, well, been silent. for the second half of 2013, i have set myself on a journey of pursuing wisdom. the motto that i adopted: gathering information is the act of knowledge, learning what to do with it is wisdom. it's an extension of the idea of hearing versus listening.

anyway, in the last month that gone by, much happened in my personal life and those i hold dear. all the events led to this post. what exactly is true fashion? what does it take to be a true fashionista? here are just a couple of thoughts and a glimpse into the space i call, my mind.

1) true fashion does not hurt: just think back the time when you wore a pair of jeans that were two inches tighter or looser. how did you feel? i don't know about you but the last time i walked out of the house with a pair of sneakers a size smaller, i had blisters all over my feet. granted that they were the most fashionable of the season but forcing a fit has pain written all over it. if the shoe does not fit, change it!

2) true fashion know you're flawed: have a short torso? wear vertical stripes to elongate the body. unhappy with the shape of your face, have a haircut that brings out the best of features. all these 'corrections' that fashion makes is because it knows that no one is perfect yet it does its best to help you conceal your flaws when you are out in the public. true fashion makes you look good and presentable when you face the masses but it does not make your flaws disappear. thus, never forget to thank that outfit which made you stand out from the crowd and made you feel like a million dollars. you can lie to the entire world but you cannot lie to the stripes that elongated your torso.

3) true fashion never fade: think couture! you can wear it from day one to day 837489234 and it will still be a remarkable piece of garment. yes there are always seasons in fashion and heidi klum's all-too-familiar 'in fashion, one day you're in and next day, you're out'. however, i think true fashion never goes out of style, it never fades. it is always there to support you even through your darkest and toughest outfit choices. there will always be THAT ONE fashion item we run to that affirms our style status. if you have an entire couture collection, you are truly a rich person.

4) true fashion is unique: we often try to dress like someone else or copy the style of an icon but does the other party have the same fashion issues as we do (see point two)? we often try so hard to fit in others or blend in with the crowd that we forget to be individuals in our dressing. we no longer pick clothes that are signature to our personality and character. maybe what works for everyone else does not really work for you. why try so hard to fit in? are you really that afraid to explore your brand of fashion? it exhausts me to dress alike. i'm really much better off with my unique style. if you are really meant to be a copy of another, you would not be given your own set of fingerprints.

finally, as this week draws to a close, i wish that each one of you will discover the joys and beauty of true fashion!

fas'on... BAM!

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