Monday 29 October 2012

four legs good, two legs bad

taken from the popular novel, animal farm (george orwell), the notion of four legs good and two legs bad expressed the unhappiness that the animals had with the humans. if animals could speak our language, what exactly would they say? in another famous quote, ghandi remarked that 'the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.'

hence this week, on The Online Edition, we are going to put the two together: animals and fashion. the inspirations for this week's theme are my friends who are serious animal lovers. the big question on many of your minds would be if i like animals. i would be honest. i am not an animal lover. if you put a puppy near me, it would take a lot of money for me to cuddle it in my arms. as an events host, i break out in cold sweat when i know that there are animals involved. however, much as i am not a huge fan of animals, i recognise that animals (and pets) form an integral part of society and more importantly, fashion thus it is only fair that we pay attention to our animal friends.

with that said, whether you are an animal lover, hater or neutral, i hope that you will return daily to inform yourself about the interconnectivity between animals and the fashion industry.

now for the totally unrelated half-naked bodies, have fun salivating!

the Carlson twins
ladies from the US Lingerie Football League

fash'on... BAM!

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