Saturday 29 September 2012

the best and the worst: week 02

if there is one lesson that i can take away from blogging this week, it would be this... not everything that i find interesting is interesting... some of the posts (actually most of them) fell flat. though i claimed to be not too concerned about the figures this week... the whole 'i'm not a fashion writer but a writer of fashion' mantra, it stinks to know that no one is reading your material especially when it was such a good week previously.

so what were the aims and objectives of this week?

1) tap into my asian, national and racial influence which i did, evidently from all the posts...

2) try to find material that would score higher page views with readers from asia. as of now, singapore and the usa dominate my readership but i do hope to write material that people from other asian nations can find relevant as well... this didn't go so well...

3) less fashion, more writer... i deliberately took a backseat on the fashion critique and tried to hone in on viewpoints... more like a bystander of the fashion world and style... perhaps, it's how the posts were pitched... but i learnt. hopefully there will be a better balance in weeks to come.

now that all's been said and done... here's the best of the week:

haha, what's not to love about this post? comic relief, trunks, close-up of trunk in trunks, lots of 'glad i'm not the one wearing that' moments, lots of 'what were they thinking?' moments... and of course, we love our country... a little national pride goes a long way... (helps when the thumbnail is of a bunch of guys in trunks too!)

and now, the worst post:
this was the second 'heavier' post of the day (third numerically)... usually, the first and third posts are the ones that i put the more interesting content. the post just before this one was about po from kungfu panda... i personally thought that readers of a fashion blog will not take too well to it but surprisingly, it scored pretty high on the views. 

well, my personal prediction was actually romancing singapore... cos it was not a well thought-out post... i had ideas but when it came to writing it, boy, was it tough... 

to conclude... this week was definitely not as good in terms of the readership (which i expected) partly cos the hype is no longer there and the writing was a slight departure from the regular fashion material... but no worries, there will be fashion writing... you just have to check back regularly!

did i mention that you can add me on twitter? i tweet every new post so once there is new material, you'll know... and onto MORE shameless marketing, i also have a facebook page... click here NOW! help me cross the fifty mark... please... hehe 

fash'on... BAM!

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